Meet Haley

Our little man Eli (2) is such a blessing to us and now, Ava (baby) has stolen our hearts, too. Ever since I became a mama two years ago, I realized how alone I felt in my mothering journey and how often I was looking for real, honest advice and solidarity from other young mamas like me. I started this blog to share my mother insights, tips, and resources for pregnancy through toddlerhood with all of you.

My life has greatly changed these past two years, I have grown and learned so much. Being a mother is such a selfless role and I’ve come to realize and appreciate on a first-level basis the hard work, tears, joys and selflessness us moms go through every single day.
Let’s Mama has become my way to share my motherhood experience. There is no one right way to be a mama and no one really knows “the perfect way” to do it because there really isn’t one. This is my simple way of sharing with all of you anything that I have gained or learned through my very personal and real motherhood at home with my two very young babies.
So many of us are on this same journey, looking for tips on how to do this or that, how to organize better, how to be healthier because we all want to be amazing moms. That is something we all have in common.
I found myself googling and learning constantly on ways to be a better mom and found so many inspiring women and mothers who shared something that truly helped me and my family. I started Let’s Mama as a way to share any possible tidbits of inspiration, tips, and solidarity with mamas like me.
I hope when you visit here, you find helpful resources, a good laugh, and a joyful outlook in your role as mom. This is a reflection of my raw motherhood.
I am very passionate about helping young women stay true to themselves as their role changes from woman to mother. We don’t have to give up ourselves to be good mothers. In fact, when we pour into ourselves…we become the best mamas we can be. I hope you find all of this and more here. I am inspired by all of you and how you mother.
I hope you become a frequent visitor and enjoy your stay.
We all want to be the best moms we can be, so why not do it together? Let’s go on this journey together, let’s learn, let’s be inspired, let’s become friends, Let’s, Mama!
Haley Jo xo