Compare Your Baby’s Growth Week by Week

Bringing a baby into the world is a magical thing for any individual. Pregnancy is a period that ignites curiosity in parents. And comparing the baby’s growth to the size of fruits and vegetables is a fun way to live your pregnant life.
The comparison helps you visualize your baby’s development in the womb. If you are an expected parent and want to know what size your baby is? Then, read this article to discover the different sizes at which a baby grows into becoming a little human. You should also read pregnancy books to understand the changes happening in pregnant women’s bodies.
Also, remember that the size of the baby given in this article is just an example to provide you with an idea of how growth progresses in the womb and not approximate because each fetus and baby grows at their own rate.
Baby Size by Progressing Weeks
Week by week, as your baby grows, the parents get super excited about the development of their little one. Use this as a guide to know the size of your baby from 0 weeks to full grown baby in the womb at 40 weeks.
So let’s see the little one’s development, shall we?
0 to 4 Weeks: Poppy seed
At four weeks past your last period, you will begin to see your baby grow. The baby will be as big as a poppy seed and about 0.4 inches long.
At this stage, your fertilized egg, called a zygote, which is a ball of 32 cells, will begin to develop. The cells will separate and form three distinctive layers from which your baby’s skin and internal organs will grow.
5 Weeks: Peppercorn
At five weeks, the baby is as big as a peppercorn and looks more like a tadpole than a human. The baby is about 0.05 inches long and weighs less than 0.04 ounces.
This is an important week because not only does your baby grow, but also the creation of the heart, brain, blood vessels, and spinal cord begin to develop. You can officially take the pregnancy test this week. The embryo is starting to look more like a fetus.
6 Weeks: Pomegranate Seed
At six weeks, your baby will be as big as a pomegranate seed. The baby’s length is 0.13 inches, and its weight is less than 0.04 ounces. The baby has grown a lot and is now protected by the amniotic fluid.
This week, you can also see the arm and leg buds beginning to grow, which is very exciting for the parents. You can also try this unique trick that many parents do, which is maintaining weekly planners to track their progress and changes during the pregnancy.
7 Weeks: Small Blueberry
Your little one is now the size of a small blueberry. The baby is about 0.5 inches long and weighs less than 0.04 ounces. This week, the baby’s physical features are becoming more noticeable, and the baby looks more like a human during this week.
The baby grew twice as much last week, and you can see their arms, which were like buds last week, have now become like paddles. The ultrasound will show the heartbeat this week.
8 Weeks: Raspberry
This week, your baby is as big as a raspberry, which is very heartwarming. The baby’s length has increased to 0.63 inches and weighs less than 0.04 ounces. At this stage, your baby is moving all over the place, but you won’t be able to feel the movement for quite some time.
At the same time, major internal organs such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, and gut continue to develop during the week.
9 Weeks: Cherry
Your baby is now grown similar to the size of a cherry. During this week, the baby’s length is around 0.9 inches long and weighs about o.7 ounces. The baby has graduated from the embryo to the fetus.
The reproductive organs and digestive tract are formed, but it is still early to know whether you will have a boy or a girl. The baby’s face is slowly forming, its eyes are getting bigger, and its tiny mouth now has a tongue with the taste buds.
10 Weeks: Kumquat
This week, your baby is as big as a kumquat. The baby’s length during this week is around 1.2 inches long, and he weighs about 0.14 ounces. The baby is gaining weight little by little.
The ears of the baby are developing, and the nostrils are in place above the upper lip. Their ankles, wrists, knees, and elbows are forming during this week.
11 Weeks: Fig
Your baby is the size of a fig. It means your baby is 1.61 inches long and weighs around 0.25 ounces. The tiny hands and feet now have individual fingers and toes.
Hair follicles form on the crown and the rest of the body as well. The tiny baby inside is kicking and stretching, but you won’t be able to feel their moves for another month or two.
12 Weeks: Plum
This week, the baby is as big as a plum. The baby’s size by this week is around 2.13 inches long and about 0.49 ounces. The little one is growing fast as the time goes by.
The toenails, fingernails, and bones are starting to form. Their kidneys are functioning, and all of the organs are fully formed. The fine layer of hair covers almost all of their tiny body.
13 Weeks: Lemon
By thirteen weeks, your baby has grown the size of a lemon. The baby is around 2.21 inches long and weighs about 0.81 ounces. The baby and placenta have grown an ounce each.
The teeth of the baby have begun to grow. Organs like the pancreas and liver have begun to function. The vocal cords of the baby have started to develop.
14 Weeks: Peach
As you enter your second trimester, the baby has grown to the size of a peach. The baby’s size by this week has grown around 3.42 inches in length and 1.52 ounces in weight. All of their internal organs which developed during the first trimester, will begin to mature until the very last week.
15 Weeks: Apple
The little one has grown to the size of an apple by the fifteenth week. The baby’s length this week is around 3.98 inches and weighs about 2.47 ounces. Their brain controls all the muscles in their body now.
The baby moves quite a lot during this time. If you are first-time parents, then you won’t be able to feel their moves for several weeks.
16 Weeks: Avocado
By this week, the baby has grown similar to the size of an avocado. Baby’s length by this week is around 4.57 inches and weighs about 3.53 ounces. All of their joints are working now.
Your little one can now make a tiny fist and even suck their thumbs. The umbilical cord is now fully formed with 2 arteries and 1 vein.
17 Weeks: Pear
The baby is now the size of a pear in the seventeenth week. The baby’s length is around 5.12 inches and weighs about 4.94 ounces. The baby’s heart is now regulated by the brain. The heartbeat is 140 to 150 per minute, almost twice as fast as yours. You might be able to feel the hiccups of the baby now.
18 Weeks: Sweet Potato
The baby has now grown into the size of a sweet potato. The tiny fingers of your baby have their unique fingerprints now. The baby’s size by this week is around 5.59 inches long and weighs about 6.70 ounces. The baby has now learned how to yawn inside the uterus. Their nervous system is maturing rapidly now.
19 Weeks: Mango
Your baby is now the size of a mango and probably weighs 8 ounces. The baby’s length around this week is 6.02 inches. Their legs are now longer than their arms. Permanent teeth have started to grow behind those baby teeth. The baby’s whole body is now covered in a fine layer of hair.
20 Weeks: Banana
This week, the baby has grown into the size and length of a small banana. The baby’s size during this week around is 6.46 inches long and weighs about 10.58 ounces. The permanent teeth have grown deep in the gums, beneath the baby’s first teeth. They may have grown thin eyebrows and some strands of hair on the head.
21 Weeks: Carrot
The baby is as long as a carrot now. This week, the baby’s size is around 10.51 inches long and weighs about 12.70 ounces. Their skin now responds to the touch.
The baby’s arms and legs are of proportionate length this week. Due to this, you can feel a lot of movement from now on. If you put pressure on your belly, the little one will push back or move. The blood cells are also being produced during this week.
22 Weeks: Papaya
This week, the baby is the size of a papaya. The baby’s length is around 10.94 inches, and he weighs about 15.17 ounces. The retinas of the baby’s eyes are fully developed. The inner ear of the baby is similar to that of an adult. The baby’s lungs are developing faster during this week. The baby is moving quite a lot during this week because there is a lot of room inside the womb.
23 Weeks: Eggplant
The little one has grown into the size of an eggplant. This week, the baby is 11.38 inches long and weighs about 1.10 pounds. Their hearing and brain are more developed this week.
They can start recognizing your voice, and if you dance, they can feel your dance moves with the music. The baby is also practicing breathing during this week, and they also react to the movement of your body.
24 Weeks: An Ear of Corn
The baby has now grown to the same size and length as an ear of corn. The baby’s size has now grown about 11.81 inches in length and 1.32 pounds in weight.
Their nostrils are opening during this week, and they continue to practice normal breathing inside the womb. They inhale the amniotic fluid rather than the air. It is like a preparation that they are doing before entering the real world outside the womb.
25 Weeks: Acorn Squash
Your baby is now the size of an acorn squash. The baby’s length is around 13.62 inches and weighs about 1.43 pounds. They are developing rapidly, and their growth can bring joy to the parents’ world.
The color of the skin of the baby changes because the small blood vessels called capillaries are forming under their skin. And another fun piece of information is that they can stick their tongue out.
26 Weeks: Zucchini
The little one is now as long as zucchini. This week, the baby’s size is 14.02 inches long and weighs about 1.68 pounds. They have now developed well-defined eyebrows and eyelashes. Their eyes are beginning to open this week.
Now, they not only can hear your voices but also respond to them by an increase in pulse rate or movement.
27 Weeks: Cauliflower
The baby has now become as big as a cauliflower. During this week, the baby’s size grew about 14.41 inches in length and 1.93 pounds in weight. At this stage, they might be able to differentiate between your and your partner’s voice. This is a good time to start reading and singing songs so that the baby can hear them.
28 Weeks: Kabocha Squash
Your baby is similar in size to a kabocha squash. The baby’s length this week is around 14.80 inches and weighs about 2.22 pounds. They have now begun to blink.
The baby is also practicing other skills like hiccuping, breathing, and thumb-sucking. It can be so exhilarating for the parents.
29 Weeks: Butternut Squash
The baby is now the size of a butternut squash. They are now about 15.47 inches long and weigh 2.45 pounds. The wrinkly skin of the baby is getting smoothed out because of the deposition of the fat in their skin. During this week, the baby’s going to start kicking vigorously. They are getting stronger and more excited about the stimuli and the voices they hear.
30 Weeks: Cabbage
This week the baby is similar to the size of a large cabbage. The baby’s size by this week is around 15.71 inches long and weighs about 2.91 pounds. At this stage, they would have sleep schedules, and after snoozing a little bit, they will kick you to let you know they are awake.
31 Weeks: Coconut
The baby is now the size of a coconut. They would measure about 16.2 inches long and weigh around 4 pounds. The baby’s putting in long stretches of sleep during this week. The five senses of the baby are also developing faster. They are also sucking their thumbs, peddling around the womb, and making faces.
32 Weeks: Napa Cabbage
The baby is now the same size as a Napa cabbage. The baby’s length around this week is 16.69 inches, and weighs about 3.75 pounds. Your belly may be getting bigger now because the baby is growing and expanding in the uterus. The baby will also develop food preferences by this week and consume the food that you will eat through the fluid present in the womb.
33 Weeks: Pineapple
Your baby is now the size of a pineapple. This week the baby’s length is 17.20 inches long and they weigh around 4.23 pounds. The wrinkled look of the skin will disappear, and the skeleton will be hardening during this week. The baby’s kicks are going to feel sharper this week because the amniotic fluid has maxed out in these 33 weeks.
34 Weeks: Cantaloupe
This week, the baby will grow into the size of a cantaloupe. The baby’s length this week is 17.72 inches and weighs about 4.73 pounds. Their bones have fully developed by this week. They are moving now from side to side. As the baby grows, you can see their hands and feet through your belly.
35 Weeks: Honeydew Melon
The little one has now grown to the size of a honeydew melon. The baby’s length is around 18.19 inches and weighs about 5.25 pounds. The baby’s brain power is increasing rapidly during this week. However, the skull of the baby remains soft. They are now turned upside-down in the uterus as the birth is nearby.
36 Weeks: Canary Melon
The baby has now grown to the size of a canary melon. The baby has a length of around 18.66 inches and weighs about 5.78 pounds. They are growing and getting plumper day by day.
37 Weeks: Swiss Chard
The baby has become as long as a bunch of Swiss chard. This week, the baby’s length is around 19.13 inches, and weighs about 6.30 pounds. They now wiggle and stretch in the uterus as the space is getting smaller day by day.
38 Weeks: Jackfruit
The baby’s length has now grown similar to the size of a jackfruit. This means that the baby is 19.61 inches long and weighs about 6.80 pounds. Connections are developing in their brain during this week.
39 Weeks: Mini Watermelon
The baby has now become the size of a mini watermelon. The baby’s length is 19.96 inches and weighs about 7.25 pounds. At this stage, they have shed most of the white creamy substance called vernix off of them.
40+ Weeks: Pumpkin
Congratulations, your little pumpkin may arrive very soon! You did it and kept your baby healthy during this period. They may be the size of a pumpkin when they are born. They would be around 20.16 to 21 inches long and weigh about 7.63 to 9 pounds. Wait patiently, as your baby may come into the world super soon and will make your world magical.
Pregnancy is a very important chapter of life. It is a magical process that brings a beautiful little soul into your world and changes your life forever. As first-time parents or experienced ones, they all have their curiosities and excitement for the baby coming into their lives. They buy new clothes and toys and make a new nursery for welcoming the baby.
The baby’s growth is one important thing that we all keep track of throughout the pregnancy journey. We hope that this guide will be helpful to you in tracking your baby’s growth and development throughout. Good Luck and Blessings for the baby!