75 Fascinating Topics to Spark Curiosity in Adults and Kids

Looking for good conversation starters for all age groups? Go through these 75 interesting topics to talk about with adults and kids. It can be really difficult to interact with kids these days.
It is inevitable to have interesting topics to talk about with kids, as it will help them gain correct knowledge and information, which further increases their IQ. Moreover, interesting topics can help imbibe values and ethics in their foundation years. By coming up with interesting topics to talk about with adults, you break the ice and establish an organic bond. Interesting topics for all age groups revolve around different genres like sports, bucket lists, goals, etc., that can help build relationships.
Here is a compilation of 75 interesting topics to talk about with adults and kids that will develop engaging conversations.
Interesting Topics to Talk About with Adults
A great way to start a conversation with adults is by asking them about their family, hometown, and background. Interesting topics to talk about with adults can also include their partners, kids, and siblings.
On the other hand, it is necessary to interact with adults that you meet daily, like neighbors, colleagues, friends, extended family, etc. By coming up with interesting topics to talk about with adults, you break the ice and establish an organic bond.
1. Weather
A nice conversation starter can be discussing the weather. You can make it an interesting topic by asking what they like or dislike about this weather in particular and what the forecasts are for the upcoming days.
2. Sports
One of the common things among adults is their passion for sports. It is an interesting topic to talk about with adults, as many of us have been involved with at least one or two sports in our childhood.
3. Work
Interesting topics to talk about with adults involve their professional life, duties, and responsibilities. This way, you can get to know each other’s dedication to work, future goals, work status, and how they maintain work-life balance.
4. Hobbies
Every age group has a set of hobbies that make them unique and creative. Discussing hobbies is an interesting topic to talk about with adults. Moreover, you gain insights into a unique hobby that you can try to pursue.
5. Habits
There can be certain habits that you can include in your routine from your friend or colleague. By sharing your daily habits and routine, it becomes an interesting topic to talk about with adults.
6. Food
One of the greatest conversation starters is discussing favorite dishes or food. This interesting topic instantly establishes a connection among adults. Moreover, you can also talk about each other’s diet plans.
7. Travel
Every adult has a bucket list of their own, and discussing it can be an interesting topic. You can get to know about the places that can be traveled solo or in a group and plan accordingly.
8. Books
Some people read extensively, and you can establish a bond. Interacting on book releases is an interesting topic. You can connect over favorite authors or book genres.
9. Music
An interesting topic to talk about with adults can be their taste in different types of music. You can instantly connect with your favorite artist, band, concert, and music genre with adults.
10. Clothes
By complementing each other’s outfits, you can get to know about their taste in brands. Clothes can be an interesting topic, as you can get inspiration for your fashion style.
11. Art
You can ask questions about art skills to adults and make it an interesting topic. This way, you get to know about different types of art and it helps you choose your area of interest.
12. Pets
You often meet adults with their pets while they are on a walk. Their unique breeds of dogs or cats can be an interesting topic to talk about with adults.
13. Culture
Offices and colleges are great places to meet people from different diasporas. You not only get to establish a bond but also know about their ethnicity and culture. Sharing about each other’s culture can be an interesting topic.
14. Leisure
Almost all adults have their leisure activities on weekends. This can be walking, cooking, etc. Discussing each other’s favorite activities can be an interesting topic to talk about with adults.
15. Festivals
Festivals are not only holidays from work but are a great way to meet new people. The festivals are an interesting topic as you can relate to the decorations, memories, and food that are associated with them.
16. Partner
An interesting topic to talk about with adults can be the qualities of their partner, what activities they do as a couple, like cooking together, etc.
17. Health
Each one of us has faced health issues, mental or physical, at a certain stage. Discussing such issues has always been difficult. You can break the ice by converting it into an interesting topic.
18. Friends
Talking about your friends, how you know them, and the bond you share becomes an interesting topic to talk about with adults.
19. Collections
As we grow up, there are a bunch of things that are close to us. Talking about each other’s prized possession can be an interesting topic. These include watches, scents, shoes, etc.
20. Movies
An interesting topic to talk about with adults can be their favorite movies and genres. You might be sharing the same taste in favorite actors or nice movies.
21. Current Affairs
Although many news are based on people’s perceptions, you can always talk about each other’s point of view. Interacting with events taking place around the world is an interesting topic to talk about with adults.
22. Adventure
A nice way to start a conversation is by discussing each other’s favorite adventure sports. Adventure sports like rafting, hiking, diving, etc. are interesting topics.
23. Name
It can be an interesting topic to talk about with adults by discussing the meaning of the name, the back story, etc. You can also make the conversation interesting by discussing each other’s family names.
24. Family Traditions
Asking about their family traditions and what they love about them, in particular, can be an interesting topic to talk about with adults. You can get to know about different customs.
25. Television Shows
One of the most interesting topics that people like to discuss is TV shows. It is one of the easiest and most interesting topics to talk about with adults. You can get to know about the latest shows.
26. Visited Places
Sharing your travel experience, like the places you’ve been, can be an interesting topic to talk about with adults. You can also talk about how the trip was so special and different from others.
27. Previous Career
You can discuss the skills and experience gained in previous jobs or careers and make it an interesting topic. You can also share your future aspirations in the job.
28. Favorite Beverage
You can start a conversation about their beverage habits, like how they start their day, and make it an interesting topic by asking about their favorite brand and why they like to consume it.
29. Languages
Since school, all of us have been taught a secondary language. Asking about how many languages one knows can be an interesting topic to talk about with adults.
30. Self-Care
Self-care can include napping, reading, or meditating. Talking about self-care is an interesting topic as it is necessary for personal and professional growth.
31. Investment
Discussing investments like the stock market or real estate is an interesting topic to talk about with adults. You can get insights into how and where to invest.
32. Favorite Restaurant
You can make it an interesting topic by asking questions about each other’s favorite restaurants. By discussing restaurants, you can connect by sharing the same taste.
33. Home
You can start a conversation by asking about their home and make it an interesting topic by asking about their neighborhood, how well-equipped the area is, and how they commute.
34. Family Members
An interesting topic to talk about with adults can be the total members of the family. It is a great way to start a conversation about their bond with family and what they do on weekends and vacations.
35. Childhood
Almost all of us have fond memories from our childhood. This is an interesting topic to open up to and share what you were as a child, and how things like study, career, etc., fell into place.
36. Sleep Habits
Discussing sleeping habits with an adult can be made an interesting topic by asking about their sleep hours, sound sleep, sleep routines, etc.
37. Mental Health
As these illnesses have been taboo for a long while, you can make it an interesting topic by giving ways to overcome depression.
38. Shopping
It is a broad spectrum and includes shopping for clothes, accessories, shoes, electronics, home decor, etc. This is an interesting topic that can break the ice between adults.
39. Future Goals
An interesting topic to talk about with adults is their desire to learn and grow on their professional front. It can be a new language, software, soft skills, etc.
40. Online Presence
By discussing on how they spend their time online can be an interesting topic. It can involve reading blogs, listening to podcasts, and websites that they follow.
41. Personality Type
With a few basic questions, you can come to know about their personality type and the nature of the individual. Discussing their likes and dislikes on socializing can be an interesting topic.
42. Places to Visit
We all have a list of places to travel before a certain age. Sharing your travel plans can be an interesting topic. You can get to know a new destination.
43. Changes in Life
An interesting topic to talk about with adults is their life and events that occurred in the last decade. It can be both positive and negative. You can also discuss the impact of the changes.
44. Fears
Many adults face certain fears or phobias like water, height, insects, etc. You can make it an interesting topic by asking questions about how they overcame such fears, how did such fear occur, etc.
45. Dating
With the arrival of dating apps, it has become a lot easier to meet new people. You can discuss dating preferences and make it an interesting topic to talk about with adults.
Interesting Topics to Talk About with Kids
There are different types of kids; introverts and extroverts. hence it becomes necessary to come up with interesting topics that they would love to talk about and open up. Kids are creative and intelligent in every way. A few topics, like their favorite cartoon and chocolate, can begin a nice conversation that can last long.
46. Favorite Game
Talking with kids can be a challenge, so it is necessary to come up with interesting topics that they can relate to. Every kid is enthusiastic about games indoors or outdoors. You can ask about their favorite activity.
47. Free Time
Every kid likes to enjoy their free time after a long day at school. You can make it an interesting topic to talk about with kids by asking them what they prefer to do in their free time.
48. Birthday Celebrations
This an interesting topic to talk about with kids about their birthday and how they like to celebrate it. You can ask them what makes their birthday special.
49. Vacation
You can make this an interesting topic by asking them about their vacation routine, like which places they go and with whom they spend their vacation.
50. Favorite Festival
Interacting on a favorite festival or holiday is an interesting topic to talk about with kids. You can ask them about their family tradition on the holidays.
51. Pets
There can be a bunch of kids who are animal lovers and others who are afraid of them. You can ask kids what kind of pets they have or wish to have and make it an interesting topic to discuss.
52. Pocket Money
Every kid receives pocket money, which helps impart responsibility and financial independence. You can make it an interesting topic by discussing what they wish to buy with their pocket money.
53. The School
One of the most important parts for every age group kid is their school and how they feel about it. You can make it an interesting topic by asking them about their favorite subject, teacher, and friends.
54. Friends
Kids have a bunch of friends which they like to play and share their toys. This is an interesting topic by asking kids about their best friends, what is common with them, etc.
55. Favorite cartoon
Childhood is incomplete without cartoons, and every kid has their own favorite cartoon character. This can be an interesting topic to talk about with kids, like why they love watching cartoons.
56. Daily Routine
You can make the conversation an interesting topic by asking them about their favorite chore, whether they help with household chores or not.
57. Co-Curricular Activities
Nowadays, schools have included many co-curricular activities like sports, art, etc. Discussing their favorite activities at school or after school can be an interesting topic to talk about with kids.
58. Favorite Superhero
An interesting topic to talk about with kids is their love for superheroes from comics or movies. You can start a conversation about what they like about a particular superhero.
59. Family
This is an interesting topic to discuss and know about the kid’s equation with their family, how they spend time together, and how well they know the family.
60. School Subjects
Kids have their favorite subject in school. Interacting on school subjects can be an interesting topic as knowing about their strength and weakness.
61. Art and Crafts
You can interact with them by asking what they like the most to draw and which is their favorite color. Art and crafts are interesting topics to talk about with kids and motivate them to do better.
62. Fears
A nice way to break the ice and let kids open up is by discussing their fears like water, pets, etc. You can make it an interesting topic by telling them ways to overcome their fear and keep their confidence while trying a new activity.
63. Reading
Most kids develop a nice habit of reading books other than their curriculum. This can be an interesting topic to talk about with kids and teach them the benefit of reading and writing.
64. School Competition
Participating in competitions like debates can help kids overcome fear. You can make it an interesting topic by introducing the need to participate and prepare for school competitions.
65. Punctuality
Certain skills like time management and punctuality need to be taught to the kids in their initial years. You can make it an interesting topic to talk about with kids by teaching them their benefits.
66. Dreams
Discussing their goals, inspiration can be an interesting topic and motivate them to do better. You can ask them how they have planned to achieve their goals and turn them into reality.
67. Technology
Kids can easily learn new technologies and hence it is an interesting topic to talk about with kids. You can discuss the latest games online that they love and how they spend their time online.
68. Strengths
An interesting topic to talk about with kids is their strength area. You can start the conversation by asking questions about what they are good at; sports, studies, leadership, art, music, etc.
69. Homework
All school-going kids have one thing in common; homework and vacation work. This is an interesting topic and you can know if kids like doing homework and how much time they spend.
70. Values
Since childhood, kids are taught important lessons like speaking the truth, helping, saying thank you, etc. Discussing values can be an interesting topic, and you can know which values the kids follow the most.
71. Love
Love is an umbrella definition, and for kids, love mostly means their favorite toy, food, or friends. This is an interesting topic to talk about with kids as it is a learning age and the right time to imbibe good qualities. You can ask about the family member that they love the most.
72. Happiness
Kids can easily get excited with small efforts like a gift, praising them, or patting their back. You can discuss things that make kids happy, like coming first in school or sports, getting a new bicycle, etc. This is an interesting topic as you can get to know how kids see happiness.
73. Charity
Childhood is the right age to impart good qualities like empathy, sympathy, and gratitude to kids. Charity is one such noble deed that should be made familiar to kids. You can ask kids to define charity and do they personally perform charity. This makes it an interesting topic to talk about with kids.
74. God
With the help of school prayers, movies, moral stories, etc., kids are introduced to the concept of god. You can interact by asking them about their religion and the god they follow, and what they know about the god. This is an interesting topic as kids will remain familiar with their roots and culture.
75. Inspiration
Kids always want to grow up into a person they see daily; it can be from their family, school, or superhero movies. You can make it an interesting topic by asking kids who they admire the most and why. You can also interact about qualities that they like in their role model.
By coming up with interesting topics to talk about with adults and kids, you tend to break the ice and create a connection. Having a conversation with both adults and kids can be a task, but certain meaningful questions can turn out to be great.
It is necessary to have interesting topics to talk about with adults and kids in order to increase knowledge and learn new things daily. Asking certain questions on interesting topics is a good way to get to know the person you just met or are working with.
The above-mentioned 75 interesting topics to talk about with adults and kids are a nice way to start a conversation and get new ideas and opinions.